Automated agreements with your collaborators.

Give your engineers, designers, and other contributors a stake in your business.

Contributor Credits



Contributors get paid when the business reaches a trigger

Contributors can easily "charge" for their work on an early-stage passion-project as a way of ensuring that they share in the profits if the project turns out to be successful.

Contributor Credits

Coming Soon


Contributors get paid as dollars/euros arrive

Contributors can easily "charge" for their work on an early-stage passion-project and claim their share of each Dollar or Euro as it arrives.

Want to try the Alpha?

Requires Ethereum Wallet

Revenue Share

Coming Soon

Fixed Issuance

Each token is a right to 1% of income

The project issues 100 tokens. Each token gives the holder access to 1% of all the income sent to it. The project can never issue more tokens from this contract.

Revenue Share

Coming Soon


Similar to shares in a company

The project can issue as many tokens as it wants. Every new token dilutes the share that each existing token represents.

Cooperativ Project Profiles

Set up a profile for your project on Cooperativ. You can use it to recruit collaborators from around the world.
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